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 Videos for young people

Since your parents split up there might have been some really big changes in your world. This can be really hard to get used to. 


When parents separate, it can have significant effects on you and your daily life. Here are some of the changes that children and young people may experience when their parents separate:

NACC Stories

In this video, Charlie, Stan, Robin, and Sam introduce children and young people to the NACCC Stories available on this website.


Poppy's Story

In this video, Poppy tells us about some of the changes that took place in her life and what this was like for her.

Top Tips for Children

Your parents deciding to separate might be one of the hardest things you experience in your life. We have put this video together to share a few hints, tips, and handy reminders.

Mum and Dad

A beautiful story about a young person wanting his parents to get back together and later realising that this might not be what’s for the best.

Going to a Contact Centre

Watch the video to find out how four different children get on at a family visit service.



Expressing Feeling

A beautiful story about a young person wanting his parents to get back together and later realising that this might not be what’s for the best.

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